Those of you who've been keeping up know that I was scheduled to start school this Wednesday. Well, Friday I heard someone say something like "see you on Monday". I thought, hmm... did I miss something or do they just have their days wrong? Well Sunday night I pulled out my class schedule and sure enough August 24th was listed as the start date for my Monday classes!
Thankfully, I had already been prepared to spend most of the day on campus anyway, doing last minute things. So I wasn't stressed out or freaking like I thought I might be. I had planned on attending the WorkStudy Job Fair that I thought started at 9am, then I'd stroll over to the bookstore to get my books for class, pick up my parking decal for my car, and pop in to see my enrollment counsellor to dbl check that I had all my ducks in a row.
Well discovering at the last minute that school had been moved up 2 days changed my plans real quick like. I got in line at 7:30am waited for the bookstore to open so I could buy my Chemistry book, which was for my 8am chem II class! btw: I had chem I about 20 years ago, so when my instructor starting rattling off what we should already know and be comfortable with, I started to sweat! It was NOT coming back to me. Doh!
Well, I survived my first class and then had a 3 hour break, so I went to do the things that I had originally planned to be doing... I went and picked up the books for the rest of my classes, which I had to buy mostly brand new books for cause they change 'em every 3 years just to rip us off. So, $700 later (thank GOD for scholarships) I went to pick up my parking decal.
Let me give you a little background on this... In June, I went to a new student orientation (this was the day that everyone looked like they were 13 to me). That day I got my CSU I'd card and prepaid for my parking decal. The checker-outer girl said that I could pick my decal up on the first day of classes. So, yesterday (the first day of classes) I parked in a Visitor spot since I didn't have my decal yet. Well, when I came out to my car after my 8am class, I had been given a ticket!! It said I needed to get a parking decal. I was like "What?!!" I was parked in the visitor spot! You don't need a decal to park there, you AREN'T suppose to park there if you do have a decal. So anyway the redtape bs has begun and I have been trying to learn a lesson from it all this summer... Just because things are done differently than I deem logical (which means they're wrong!) Doesn't mean I have to get my panties in a wad about it. I'm learning to let things go and just deal with stupidity. It's less stressful and can sometimes get things done quickwr than fighting it. It was warning ticket anyway, but that's not the point. :)
So, I got my books. I got my parking decal. I survived my first class back to school in over a decade. I stopped at the campus coffee shop and treated myself to a White Chocolate Mocha. Life is good. God is good.
Before and after:
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