Some of you may have met my handsome husband, Michael. He has been such a huge supporter of our store since the idea first came up. He has been extremely helpful lately as we have been relocating The Pink House. (Is it just me, or aren't men so much more sexy when they're lifting something heavy?)
Well, to the point... Michael works for a company called FESTIVA. He does Vacation Sales. (And who doesn't need a vacation somethin' fierce!) Well, his company gives out free gifts, vacations, cruises, etc. to people who come to one of their resort presentations. (Heard of the Church Street Inn?)
How does that get you $75 FREE Store Credit?
Michael has agreed to bring his Vacation Presentation to The Pink House!! So, to receive your $75 FREE Store Credit. All you have to do is register for your spot (no fee), show up at The Pink House for our free dinner party with your spouse (if applicable), and listen to a brief description of Festiva's resort programs.
Need that broken down 1 more time?
Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or to register for our dinner party. If you cannot come on the 17th, then you can get on the list for our next party. [email protected]
Thank You Very Much to Michael and Festiva for bringing this presentation out to our favorite customers. It's a great program, and FREE Pink House Credit is win-win for everyone. :)